
Opening session:

Puiu - Lucian GEORGESCU – Rector al Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați

lucian georgescu

Marian MURGULEȚ - Secretar de Stat în cadrul Secretariatului General al Guvernului, CIO Guvernamental
Dragoș PREDA – Secretar de Stat, Ministerul Transporturilor, Infrastructurii și Comunicațiilor


Cătălin ARAMĂ - Director general al Direcției generale informatizare și comunicații digitale


Cătălin Aramă is the General Director of the General Directorate of Informatics and Digital Communications from “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. With over 15 years of experience in the IT industry, he has held leading positions both in the public and private sectors. He was General Director of the Romanian National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-RO), Chairman of the “Dunărea de Jos” IT Cluster and manager of the first Software Park in Romania, as well as president of the National Digital Romania Center, an institution under the coordination of the Ministry of Communications and Information Society. Mr. Aramă is a PhD candidate at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Graduate School of Public Order and National Security, and holds an MA Degree in European Law and Public Administration Studies.

Keynote speakers:

Magda POPESCU - Outside Legal Counsel to Microsoft Corporation, Digital Crimes Unit, EMEA

magda popescu

Magda Popescu is outside legal counsel to Microsoft Corporation, Digital Crimes Unit, EMEA, and she works on complex operations tackling botnets , tech support fraud, business email compromise, and online child exploitation.

She is an attorney-at-law, member of the Bucharest Bar Association since 2002, as well as certified trademark and industrial design Romanian and European attorney since 2005. She also holds a IAPP privacy certification in GDPR and EU privacy regulations - CIPP/E.

She graduated from Bucharest University Faculty of Law in 2001 and holds a master degree in business law from the Institute for Business Law and International Cooperation Nicolae Titulescu - Henri Capitant, a jointly administered Institute by the Paris I University Pantheon-Sorbonne and the University of Bucharest Law School.

Sorin Ioan STĂNICĂ - Comisar șef de poliție - șeful Biroului de Prevenire, în cadrul Institutul de Cercetare şi Prevenire a Criminalităţii din Poliţia Română
Victor VEVERA - Director general Institutul Național de Cercetare în Informatică
Ioan Cosmin MIHAI - Cybercrime Training Officer at European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)
Tal PAVEL - Head of Cybersecurity Studies - Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo
Andy PUȘCĂ - Rector Universitatea „Danubius” din Galați
Andrei RUSNAC - Moldova Internet Governance Forum Organizational Committee Vice-Chairman
Ionuţ MOCANU - Director General Executiv Asociaţia Tehnopol Galaţi